outside marriage

美 [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd ˈmærɪdʒ]英 [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd ˈmærɪdʒ]
  • 网络婚外的;婚生
outside marriageoutside marriage


of unwed parents
he was born out of wedlock
Synonym: out of wedlock


  1. Mahler was also known for his passionate involvements outside marriage .


  2. In the past , sex outside marriage was illicit sex .


  3. Legal Protection of Non-fault Party Outside Marriage


  4. Nearly half of all first births in the US now take place outside marriage , according to a new study .


  5. Extramarital affairs happen outside marriage but are restrained by the social morals .


  6. Using data from a big annual survey , he looked at all the women who had become pregnant outside marriage .


  7. Only 6 % of children born to college-educated mothers were born outside marriage , according to the National Marriage Project .


  8. These circumstances , in particular the availability of love outside marriage , have forced people to give love a more significant place in their concepts of marriage .


  9. And when they have babies outside marriage , they are typically younger than their middle-class counterparts , in less stable relationships and less prepared for what will follow .


  10. Only around 2 % of babies are born outside marriage ( compared with 30-50 % in most of the rich world ) , which means that as weddingsplummet , so do births .


  11. This tendency presents in real life in the form of decreasing of marriage stability , increasing of extramarital affair as well as sexual relations outside marriage , commercializing and tooling of sex .


  12. With the change of the social life , marriage and family are also changing , for instance , love affairs or cohabitation outside marriage occurs constantly , which urges us to reconsider the system of testament and inheritance .


  13. Well , I 'm not just gonna stand outside my marriage and watch this happen .


  14. When you have to go outside a marriage for passion , you 're in trouble .


  15. New dress made must be pay attention to , not outside the marriage gauze of glamorous must be good quality .


  16. The New York Times reported that over half of the births to US women younger than 30 occurred outside of marriage in 2009 .


  17. Now you can put a decade on those ages and that 's because sex and cohabitation outside of marriage are largely accepted .


  18. Nothing short of transforming India 's puritanical culture and giving men and women more freedom to forge sexually mature relationships outside of marriage .


  19. Doyle , like many therapists , urges women to do nice things for themselves and build on their interests and friendships outside of marriage .


  20. That it 's better to marry than to be tempted to sin with sex outside of marriage and then you 'd burn in hell ?


  21. The research showed that while men are more likely to be bored with a partner outside of marriage , for those couples who had tied the knot the roles reversed .


  22. Strong friendships outside the marriage can take the pressure off your relationship , help you work things out away from your spouse , and ultimately protect your marriage from unnecessary stress and discord .


  23. Up until just about now , for example , the prime brakes on sex outside of marriage have been several : fear of pregnancy , fear of social stigma and punishment , and fear of disease .


  24. However , outside the marriage of the phenomenon of cohabitation pop , either from the point of view of economic , social and cultural point of view , or the point of view of law , have caused a series of negative effects .


  25. Egypt , the host of the conference , joined with four other Muslim countries in dissenting , saying the ruling could be interpreted as applying to sexual relations outside of marriage , as an Iranian delegate explained .


  26. The New York Times reported that over half of the births to US women younger than 30 occurred outside of marriage in 2009 . Most of the ongoingrise of births to unmarried women occurred to couples living together but unmarried .


  27. The project and two co-authors of the report seek the strength in marriage or reduce unplanned pregnancies , but their study reflects a growing body of research that finds an increasing gap the vast majority of births outside the marriage are to those without a college degree .


  28. However , my spouse is no clearly defined right and no right to form a perfect protection mechanism , when violations of the right spouse , especially from a third party outside of marriage violated , damaged the interests of the spouses is difficult to obtain appropriate legal remedies .


  29. It 's important to have a life outside of your marriage .


  30. Outside of the marriage context , can you think of any other rational basis , reason , for a state using sexual orientation as a factor in denying homosexuals benefits ?
